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    Journal Papers






    - Corporate Social Responsibility and Abnormal Executive Compensation, with Yonghong Jia, Spencer Pierce and Tianming Zhang,,Forthcoming

    - Kim, K. H., Nash, J., & Park, J. (2022). Product Recalls and Audit Production. European Accounting Review, 1-28.

    - Byun, K. A., Ma, M., Kim, K., & Kang, T. (2021). Buying a new product with inconsistent product reviews from multiple sources: The role of information diagnosticity and advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing55(1), 81-103.

    - Coyne, J., Kim, K. H., & Talakai, J. (2021). At‐risk acquirers: survival strategy or last‐ditch effort?. Accounting & Finance61(4), 5783-5808.

    - Harp, N. L., Kim, K. H., & Oler, D. K. (2021). A bold move or biting off more than they can chew: examining the performance of small acquirers. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting56, 393-422.

    - Kim, K. H., Oler, D. K., & Sanchez, J. M. (2021). Examining the stock performance of acquirers where the acquirer or target hold patents. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting56, 185-217.

    - Coyne, J., Kim, K. H., & Kim, S. (2020). The role of the business press in creating and disseminating information around earnings announcements. European Accounting Review29(4), 723-751.

    - Cook, K. A., Kim, K., & Omer, T. C. (2020). The cost of independence: Evidence from companies' decisions to dismiss audit firms as tax-service providers. Accounting Horizons34(2), 83-107.

    - Ames, D., Coyne, J., & Kim, K. (2020). The impact of life cycle stage on firm acquisitions. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management.

    - Lee, J., Lee, E., Kim, K. H., & Paik, D. G. H. (2018). Acquired In‐process Research Development and Earnings Management. Australian Accounting Review28(4), 577-588.

    Papers in Preparation

    - Meeting-or-Beating Earnings Benchmarks: The Effect of Natural Disasters,

    - Big Bath Accounting following Natural Disasters,with Yingmei Cheng, Spencer Pierce and Tianming Zhang,

    - H. An, J. Lee, H. Han, 2023, "What drives less readable annaul reports: Investor or firm-complexity", In preparation


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